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Tea or coffee – both
Sun or snow – both
Concrete or nature – both
Anchovy or chocolate – chocolate
London or Paris – both
Facebook or Instagram – both
Gym or yoga – yoga
Black or white – both
A cat or a dog  – a dog
Shopping or e-commerce –  e-commerce
Morning or evening – both

What is your job?
I am the owner and manager.

How long have you held that position?
25 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?
The excitement.

What is your best quality?

Tell us something about yourself not many people know.
I am a dreamer.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?
I like all of the products because they are light and efficient. The products I use the most are the 4D  Replenishing Cleansing Milk, 4D Hydrating Rosewater, 5D Rejuvenating and 5D Golden Beauty masks, day and night creams from our 5D line.


Tea or coffee – both
Sun or snow – I like them together
Concrete or nature – I choose nature
Anchovy or chocolate – anchovy
London or Paris – London
Facebook or Instagram – Facebook
Gym or yoga – gym
Black or white – black
A cat or a dog  – a dog
Shopping or e-commerce – first regular shopping, then e-commerce
Morning or evening – morning, the most peaceful time of the day

What is your job?
I have the privilege to fill the position of CEO of Chemi-Pharm. I’d have to write a much longer description, to describe my job, but explaining it to the people I know, short and sweet, I just say that I’m starting a revolution. Chemi-Pharm is growing very quickly to become bigger and more efficient and during this process numerous new functions have to be introduced in the company, work methods have to be modified and ushered in, many different systems and competences need to be established. Meanwhile, as all of these bright new advancements are in the works, I need to make sure that the rest of the team is as excited about all of this as I am.

How long have you held that position?
It’s my second round here at Chemi-Pharm. About 15 years ago I was working at Chemi-Pharm and I dealt with the Asian market. For the most part it was my learning period. Then I spent some time abroad, learning and gaining experience in other countries, areas and organisations and now for the past 8 years, I’ve been the CEO here at Chemi-Pharm.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?
I’d have to say, it’s the opportunity and freedom to build and form the processes and management according to my vision. We have a lot of different and exciting projects in the works – I want to work on all of them all the time. I don’t know how to be in an environment where everything is stable and calm. We are no different to others in the fact that every day we also face new problems and challenges but all of this is what I find to be the most exciting. I would like to quote a top CEO, who once said that it is much more interesting when everything around you is falling apart rather that when everything goes boringly well.

What is your best quality?
I do not believe that causing a commotion leads to the best result. In that way things get done quickly, but great things take time – you need to have patience and consistently, over and over direct things in the right direction until the goal is met.

Tell us something about yourself not many people know.
Many have asked me if I ever get angry and irritated. My answer to this is that it happens rarely and mostly in secret.

What would you like to accomplish or experience this year?
It’s in my nature that I always want to have my hands full with many different things and to be able to do everything. Every year I try to enrich myself with a new hobby or experience. This year I think it could be diving. I’m a strong believer that the more experiences a person has, the more multifaceted and resourceful they are in all of their other undertakings.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?
My favourite is the men’s 4D Rescue Eye Cream. I’m not usually a very devoted cosmetics and creams user but even I have to admit, that I feel the cream’s refreshing effect immediately. And to tell you the truth I can’t start my morning without it.


Tea or coffee – coffee
Sun or snow – sun
Concrete or nature –
Anchovy or chocolate – anchovy
London or Paris –
Facebook or Instagram –
Gym or yoga – gym
Black or white –
A cat or a dog  – a cat
Shopping or e-commerce –
Morning or evening –

What is your job?
I’m the D’DIFFERENCE brand manager.

How long have you held that position?
8 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?
The excitement. It’s very rare, that any two days are alike and this goes well with my nature – roaming on calm waters is not for me. The fact that I can be part of each and every part of the process from the product development to the daily customer assistance and communication is a very great challenge to both the mind and the body. I’m very grateful that most of D’DIFFERENCE has been entrusted in my hands. It has given me the wings to fly and the courage to dream and the ability to move towards realising those dreams with confidence. Sometimes it is strategic and well thought through, sometimes we seize the opportunity and advance quickly and forcefully, but each time, it’s together with the whole team. It’s the people that are every company’s biggest assets and here at Chemi-Pharm, we have many who are golden!

What is your best quality?
Being present in the moment. I like to find solutions. Solutions to daily challenges in a company but also solutions for the problems of each individual that comes to us in hopes of finding a remedy for their skin troubles. Accomplishments make me shine :).

Tell us something about yourself not many people know.
I’m terrified of excavators and other machines made for roads. When they’re at work and I happen to be passing by in a car, then I make myself as tiny as possible and make weird noises. Others usually find it amusing :).

What would you like to accomplish or experience this year?
I would like to see whether San Francisco can make me fall in love with itself the same way as New York did.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?
The masks – we have sold 100 000 in 5 years. I’m always looking for the balance between instant effect and long-term results. This exists for the masks. I have not met anyone who didn’t like our masks.

I use all of our products and I relish the feeling that even when i’m tired and can’t be bothered to put cream on, our products are so inviting that I still want to do it. They have the certain je ne sais quoi that causes that wish and will and that isn’t something you often come across. I love the way the D’DIFFERENCE creams smell, their texture and fast absorption. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m a big fan of our products and as my colleagues say, we give our best every day to make products that we can recommend to our friends, family and loved ones.


Kaja next to D'DIFFERENCE product wall

Tea or coffee – coffee

Sun or snow – sun

Concrete or nature – concrete

Anchovy or chocolate – anchovy

London or Paris – both

Facebook or Instagram – both

Gym or yoga – yoga

Black or white – both

A dog or a cat – a cat

Shopping or e-commerce – shopping

Morning or evening – evening

What is your job?
I deal with the sales of the D’DIFFERENCE line.

How long have you held that position?
I have worked here for 6,5 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?
My job makes my eyes sparkle. There is no room for routine because every day is different and I have the best colleagues. :)

What is your best quality?
I think honesty, commitment and a sense of responsibility.

Tell us something about yourself not many people know.

I have a huge fear of heights and dark, closed spaces.

What would you like to accomplish or experience this year?
I really wish to spend more time with my kids, I’d like to travel and start properly going to the gym :).

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why? I use all products by D’DIFFERENCE, because I cannot live without them. One could say I am addicted. My most favourite products are: 5D LIFTING EYE CREAM, 5D REJUVENATING FACE SERUM, 6D LUMINOUS GLOW FACE ESSENCE, 6D ADVANCED PERFECTION DAY CREAM.


Justin in front of product display

Tea or coffee – coffee

Sun or snow – sun

Concrete or nature – concrete with a mix of wilderness

Anchovy or chocolate – chocolate

London or Paris – Berlin

Facebook or Instagram – Instagram

Gym or yoga – gym

Black or white – white

A dog or a cat – a bunny, or 2. 

Shopping or e-commerce – shopping

Morning or evening – morning

What is your job?

Export Manager

How long have you held that position?

I have worked in sales and marketing for 7 years and at D’DIFFERENCE since September 2022.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

The ability to be a productive member of society and create value with the way I think. If I’m a bit more spontaneous and social than some AI, then my work could not be replaced by a computer. Simply put, a chance to be brave and create something.

What is your best quality?

I am a balance between positivity and rationality. I always come up with solutions where everyone wins, and to top it off leaves in a good mood.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

If you cannot reach me, then I am probably playing on Xbox.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

The first product I tried was 4D MOISTURIZING BODY LOTION and it really hit me how luxurious yet refreshing a scent can be. Plus it absorbed fast leaving the skin nice and soft. Later I found 5D FIRMING FACEGLOW PEEL to be the favorite one I use every week a couple of times as part of my ritual for a gentle and thorough face cleanse. 


Tea or coffee – coffee

Sun or snow – sun

Concrete or nature – concrete

Anchovy or chocolate – anchovy

London or Paris – London

Facebook or Instagram – Facebook

Gym or yoga – yoga

Black or white – black

A dog or a cat – a dog

Shopping or e-commerce – shopping

Morning or evening – evening

What is your job at Chemi-Pharm?

I am the production specialist for D’DIFFERENCE.

How long have you held that position?

I have been in Chemi-Pharm for over 7 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

Communication with my positive colleagues.

What is your best quality?

I am diligent.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

I like AeroSurf.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

I use the whole 6D line, because it compliments my skin the best.


Siimu with a lab coat

Tea or coffee – coffee
Sun or snow – snow during Summer and snow during Winger
Concrete or nature –
Anchovy or chocolate –
London or Paris –
Facebook or Instagram – Facebook
Gym or yoga – gym
Black or white – black
A cat or a dog  – a dog
Shopping or e-commerce – shopping

Morning or evening – evening

What is your job at Chemi-Pharm?

I am the product development manager of Chemi-Pharm and I am responsible for the development of new products and improvement of existing products, but besides that I have the opportunity to contribute to production as well development, so that the product developed in the laboratory reaches people in high quality.

How long have you held that position?

I have worked at Chemi-Pharm for almost 5 years. I started as a chemist and have been in the position of product development manager for just over 2.5 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

Ability to solve very different problems and learn something new every day. It is also a pleasure when the final product reaches the customer and the person gets help from this product. 

What is your best quality?

I find that people always have many good qualities, which develop depending on the background system or where a person is in their life, sort of like a “Package of Good Features”. I feel that in my case dedication, determination, creativity, the ability to quickly find effective solutions, great work and analytical ability, courage to make mistakes and take responsibility contribute to this package. In addition to that the ability to learn and the ability to recognise innovation that can be implemented.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

I have been playing the saxophone for over 10 years. Not much in recent years, but the more I feel that it is necessary to take the instrument out of the case again.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

My favourite is D’DIFFERENCE For Men ALL OVER BODY WASH. Skin is our largest organ, and by using it I feel that I am taking maximum care of myself. This product makes every wash a pleasant experience.


Siret tooteproovidega laboris

Tea or coffee – coffee

Sun or snow – sun

Concrete or nature – nature

Anchovy or chocolate – chocolate

London or Paris – Paris

Facebook or Instagram – Instagram

Gym or yoga – yoga

Black or white – black

A dog or a cat – a dog

Shopping or e-commerce – I like to go to the shop, but the e-commerce is faster and a more convenient option

Morning or evening – mornings have the best energy

What is your job at Chemi-Pharm?

I work in the laboratory. The work closest to my heart is the development of new products and, if necessary, already improving the existing ones. Time goes on, new, exciting raw materials come to the market and sometimes there is an interest in modernising an existing product. In addition, I am responsible for ensuring that the products are of high quality, and I register various environmental labels for our products.

How long have you held that position?

I have 20 years of experience working in a lab, but product development found a way to my heart about 10 years ago.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

The best team and a job full of challenges.

What is your best quality?

Loyalty, honesty and the consideration of others.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

I am terribly afraid of heights and I love cheese.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

I have a lot of favourites that are irreplaceable in my everyday routine. My top 3 is: 5D REJUVENATING SERUM, 6D ADVANCED PERFECTION DAY CREAM  and our new SCALP & HAIR IN SYNC SHAMPOO/ROOTS & ENDS IN SYNC CONDITIONER.


Katre in the label office

Tea or coffee – coffee

Sun or snow – sun

Concrete or nature – concrete

Anchovy or chocolate – chocolate

London or Paris – Paris

Facebook or Instagram – Instagram

Gym or yoga – gym

Black or white – black

A dog or a cat – a cat

Shopping or e-commerce – shopping

Morning or evening – evening

What is your job at Chemi-Pharm?

Graphic designer. I make sure that every product gets the right label. In addition, I manage a small warehouse and I make text and design changes on both labels and product pages.

How long have you held that position?

For over 7 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

I still have the best colleagues.

What is your best quality?

Communication, cooperation, and friendliness.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

When I reach my destination, I always turn on the volume of the music down in the car……why tho? :D

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

From the 5D line, my long-time favourite is the 5D REJUVENATING SERUM – it is a must-have! From the 4D line, 4D ANTI-REDNESS FACE CREAM – it is great for my atopic skin, because as the name suggests, it really helps with redness, irritation and dryness!


Hannes in front of the reactor

Tea or coffee – I’d rather drink tea, but only when it’s minus degrees outside

Sun or snow – one does not exclude the other. Every season has its charms, but I like warm more than cold.

Concrete or nature – nature during Summer, but back to concrete in Winter

Anchovy or chocolate – hmm, first I would eat the anchovy with dark bread, a slice of egg and mayonnaise, and then a piece of dark chocolate

London või Paris – Paris

Facebook või Instagram – Instagram

Gym or yoga – a 10 kilometre run characterises me best

Black or white – white

A dog or a cat – living in the countryside, I could have both

Shopping or e-commerce – one complements the other

What is your job at Chemi-Pharm?

Purchasing manager

How long have you held that position?

3 years

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

The power of an alarm clock.

What is your best quality?

Calmness spiced with positivity.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

Sometimes I like to make something with my hands.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

ALL OVER BODY WASH, because a refreshing shower using All Over Body Wash gives the body a pleasant glow and inner satisfaction.


Tea or coffee – tea

Sun or snow – snow

Concrete or nature – nature

Anchovy or chocolate – anchovy

London or Paris – Paris

Facebook or Instagram – Instagram

Gym or yoga – gym

Black or white – black

A dog or a cat – a dog

Shopping or e-commerce – e-commerce

Morning or evening – evening

What is your job?

I am an assistant in the sales department.

How long have you held that position?

4 years

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

Awesome colleagues and a job I love.

What is your best quality?

Determination. If I have put my mind on something, I want to complete it successfully

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

I have a passion for Sudoku solving.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

My favorite is the 4D MILD CLEANSING GEL. I use it every morning and night, because it is a great product and so easy to use.


Merle with Chemi Pharm product wall

Tea or coffee – coffee
Sun or snow – both
Concrete or nature –
Anchovy or chocolate –
London or Paris – both
Facebook or Instagram – I don’t know 😊 Facebook
Gym or yoga – both
Black or white – white
A cat or a dog – a dog
Shopping or e-commerce – both
Morning or evening – both

What is your job at Chemi-Pharm?
I’m the financial manager.

How long have you held that position?
18 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?
I like my job, my office and the people of Chemi-Pharm. I like that I don’t have to clean or cook and nobody wears a tracksuit to work :).

What is your best quality?
I respect differences.

Tell us something about yourself not many people know.
At school, I played basketball for 7 years and my team was the Harju champion for many many many times. Later on I played at university and even with my colleagues (this time with men :) ).

What would you like to accomplish or experience this year?
At work I’d like to use TransferWise for transactions. Personally, I’d like to try mountain skiing again (the last time I tried was 18 years ago).

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?
5D Lifting Eye Cream
, i’m hooked :).


Liina at the reception

Tea or coffee – coffee in the mornings

Sun or snow – both, but not too hot sun and rather thick snow

Concrete or nature – both, I prefer nature, but I also need some concrete

Anchovy or chocolate – chocolate

London or Paris – New York

Facebook or Instagram – Facebook

Gym or yoga – both (balance)

Black or white – black

A dog or a cat – a cat

Shopping or e-commerce – shopping

Morning or evening – morning

What is your job at Chemi-Pharm?

I am the office assistant.

How long have you held that position?

1.5 years.

Besides money – what is it that makes you want to go to work in the morning?

There are so many. The feeling of happiness I get from giving my all at work.

People. And waking up in the morning is the best feeling in the world. I look forward to it every day.

What is your best quality?

Planning skills. Noticing, noticing the little things and the details (which is good but can drive one crazy).

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.

I wake up early in the morning. I really look forward to the mornings. I love to communicate. I love the forest. I like to fly by plane. I enjoy going to the dentist. And above all I love my two most awesome sons in the world.

In your opinion, what is the best D’DIFFERENCE product and why?

The most difficult question. After coming to work at Chemi-Pharm, my shelf is full of products. There used to be only 1-2 products that also tended to collect dust. The D’DIFFERENCE products I use daily are 4D HYDRATING ROSE WATER and 5D REJUVENATING SERUM.

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AS Chemi-Pharm
Harju maakond, Saku vald
Tänassilma küla, 76406
Tänassilma tee 11
Estonia EU
VAT EE100310771

D'DIFFERENCE® is a registered trademark of AS CHEMI-PHARM. All rights reserved.

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