The Korean double-cleansing method

The trend of double cleansing routines originates from 14th century South Korea. Let’s figure out whether it is a passing trend or whether cleansing with different products is actually useful and necessary.
Double cleansing means cleansing the face twice – first with oil-based, then with water-based product.
When is it even necessary?
Cleansing is the MOST important stage of facial care. Consistent habits and the right choice of products ensures that you avoid overspending and over-stressing. If you do not clean your face and neck properly, yet buy more and more expensive creams, you will get disappointed. One cleansing of the skin is also enough.
Consider 2-Step Cleansing when
- You use a lot of makeup
- You use a lot of different products and SPF
- You are exposed to the elements and different temperatures (indoors and outdoors)
- Your skin secretes a lot of residue and sebum
Why twice?
The first oil-based product is important to choose based on habits. It helps release sebum, makeup residues, sunscreen products, and dust and dirt that has accumulated during the day.
The second water-based product is important to choose according to the type of skin and the needs of the skin as it helps get rid of polar molecules like dirt and sweat.
Choose the first cleanser based on habit and lifestyle and the second one based on your skin type.
By doing so, you can be sure that your next products – serums and creams – can do their job easier and more efficiently.
Are there any dangers of the Double Cleansing Method and when does it have to be done?
The Korean Double Cleansing Method should be done in the evenings as for morning cleansing it is suitable to use either a cleanser selected according to the skin type or only face water.
The only danger can be considered the excessive removal of the protective layer of the skin and natural sebum. To avoid this, double cleansing should be done either in the evenings or a few times a week when you are partying, the skin is covered with many layers of products and secretes more residues than usual.
Where does micellar water fit in this double cleansing process?
Micellar water and face wipes are not enough for proper and thorough facial cleansing. These are products to use during exercise, traveling or when you are just feeling too lazy.
In case you want to use micellar water in the double cleansing process then keep it as the first step as micelles are oil particles that melt makeup and sebum off the skin. Micellar water is not a face water, it is not suitable for morning cleansing, because the product is designed to remove makeup.
Can double cleansing be done two times with the same product?
It sure can! If you have a lot of foundation on, or if you really like our 6D Gel-to-Oil. If you feel you did not get all the residue off on the first cleansing step or if you use a lot of SPF products then it is completely fine to repeat.
Which products from the D’DIFFERENCE line are suitable for the first and which ones for the second step?
Step 1
Oil-based 6D Cocooning Gel-to-Oil Cleanser & Make-up Remover regardless of skin type. Remove the cleanser from your skin with a soft washcloth.
Step 2
- For dry and flaky skin use 4D Replenishing Milk and use a moist cotton pad.
- For dry and oily skin – depending on sebum production and time of year, either 4D Replenishing Milk (winter and spring) or 4D Mild Cleansing Gel (summer and autumn)
- For sensitive and thin skin: 4D Replenishing Milk and use a moist cotton pad.
- For mature and exhausted skin or if you travel a lot: 6D Cocooning Gel-to-Oil Cleanser&Make up Remover or 4D Replenishing Milk (you can also wash it off with water if you wish)
- For normal and oily skin: 4D Mild Cleansing Gel
- For sensitive skin with large pores: 4D Mild Cleansing Gel
- For young skin suffering from constant changes (pimples, break-outs, dry spots): 4D Mild Cleansing Gel
To finish the cleanse for any skin type try 4D Hydrating Rosewater as it balances the pH of the skin and effectively soothes and moisturizes. This face water is also suitable for light cleansing in the morning or in the evening before applying serum or cream.
For uneven complexion, pigment spots or if the skin is exhausted and it looks uneven and bumpy under the arm, or if wrinkles are becoming too noticeable and the pores are already gaping then we recommend the 6D Luminous Glow Face Essence facial essence after cleansing. It is a very powerful quick changer in the condition of the skin performs the role of both face water and serum. Suitable for morning cleansing, in the evening before the cream.
Written by Carmen Kibur, Brand Manager for D’Difference.